New Pet Tips & Tricks

Keep your pet healthy

So many people run into situations where suddenly their pets can get ill or need emergency surgeries and they simply cannot afford to pay the vet bills. Many animals end up dropped off at a shelter or left with medical conditions that get worse because they cannot afford the treatment. We want to help educate pet owners on how important diet, exercise and preventative care is for their pets. Regular check ups at your local vet can help prevent major problems and pick up on early signs of possible issues. Most vets have an inexpensive monthly pet care program which includes their vaccinations, blood work and heartworm treatments. Always make sure to ask your vet if they offer such a program. There are also many great pet insurance companies which are always great to have in case of emergencies. A well exercised dog is a happy dog as the old saying goes! This is a great way for a dog to help maintain a healthy weight, reduce heart disease, reduce stress and anxiety, provides mental stimulation and socialization skills and is a great bonding exercise for you and your dog. 

Did you know?

Your dog's paws will burn on a hot surface. When walking your dog on a hot summer's day, please be aware that the ground temps can reach triple digits and your dog's paws burn just like our feet burn on the hot blacktop or beach sand. If the ground is too hot for you to hold your hand on for 3 seconds or more, the ground is too hot for your dog's paws.

Your dog can get heat stroke. Dogs have a higher body temperature than we do. This means on a warm day around 75 degrees or higher, your dog can overheat and have heat stroke. In the summertime, it is always best to walk your dog in the early mornings and early evenings. If you are going for a run or hike with your dog, always take water for your dog and let them stop to rest. Heatstroke can happen in just a matter of minutes. Never leave a dog in a hot car. Temperatures can soar and reach triple digits in a matter of just 3 minutes.

Your dog's poop can pass on diseases. Always pick up after your dog. It's not only the law but common decency for other people and neighbors. Your dog's poop can also pass on diseases to other dogs while they are sniffing.

Some foods are toxic for your dog. Never feed your dog grapes, raisins, chocolate, certain mushrooms, anything sweetened with Xylitol (highly toxic), caffeine, onions, garlic, chives, leeks, macadamia nuts, avocados, rhubarb, apple seeds, leeks, cherries. Some essential oils are also toxic for your pets such as pine, pennyroyal, tea tree, cinnamon, wintergreen, citrus, peppermint, ylang ylang, sweet birch and eucalyptus oils.

Most cities, counties and states have leash laws. It is always best to to keep your dog on a leash except if you are in a dog park or dog beach which has no leash requirements. Even if your dog is friendly with other dogs, kids or people, your off leash dog may run up to another dog that is not dog friendly and they could engage in a fight and there could potentially be harm done to either dog or pet owners and a hefty vet bill or fine. Please always use common sense. Even if your dog is off leash in your yard, it could suddenly decide to chase a squirrel or something and run in front of a car and get run over. Or even worse it could end up stolen when you let it out for just a few minutes to go potty.

Always socialize your dog early. If you want your dog to be dog friendly, start to socialize it around other dogs from when it is a puppy and only after it has received all of its full vaccinations. If you do not socialize your dog, chances are it may not get along as well with other dogs and may become dog reactive or selective.

These are all pointers to help you and your pets live the best and happiest lives together. Pets are family and are a lifelong commitment so please think about this before bringing a pet home.